Main Page
Welcome to The Python Challenge wiki.
If you are looking for hints, go to the forums.
If you look for the puzzles, then go to The Python Challenge Home Page.
How to get access to the solutions?You can view the solution only after solving the puzzle. In order to prove that you had solved a puzzle, you would have to enter the URL of the next one, but instead of using pc in the URL, write pcc. For example, if you are now in, then change to If the level requires a password, use the following pattern: Entering this special page will give you a ticket for viewing the solution here. Due to security reasons, the ticket is valid only for 24 hours, but you can always renew it, ofcourse. |
The Solutions
Level 9 (*) |
Level 19 (*) |
Level 28 (*) |
Level 31 (*) |
Levels marked by (*) require a password to get in. See the above box for help accessing them.